This blog has been busy with sad stories of the layoffs, so it is time to report that thos

For starters, check out the special section on the Road Runners Marathon. The cover, poorly reproduced here, is an outstanding photo by BJ photographer Ken Love showing from the air the mass of runners on the Y-bridge. The only complaint you will find in this post is that the tiny credit line is difficult to read. Inside the section are other great photos by Mike Cardew, Paul Tople, Karen Schiely and, Michael Chritton and David Foster. There were a half dozen photographers on the job and a massive listing of the results that someone had to put together.
There also ere great sports photos by Ed Suba appeared on A1 and the C1 sports front.
Each of the sections showed good page design. Sorry our out-of-town viewers won’t be able to "click on the headline" to see the great look of the Sunday issue on or elsewhere. You have to buy the newspaper to see this. There are, however, more photos of the marathon on
Another huge job was putting together another listing of holiday bazaars on pages E6 and E7. Sometimes it is not the breaking news but service to the readers.
And the decision to bring Bob Dyer out front oftener was a good one. Sunday’s headline for Dyer was “Stranger able to walk into 8 of 9 area schools.” As usual, Dyer is thought-provoking.
Even the column of Managing Editor Mizell Stewart–often an easy target for potshots–was a nice tribute to newspaper carriers who bring it all to you.
I though the Beacon Journal was very good today. The story on the schools was very good.
Does this mean that Moss and Black are correct in their
theory that when it comes to quality, numbers don't matter?
yes, mizell is expert at writing about himself
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