My wife, Sandy, and I have been teaching college English as a foreign language for the last 12 years in Zuunmod, Mongolia. Ours is a provincial capital city of 20,000.

Sandy is director of the college and I edit and publish a newsletter for American ex-pat English teachers here. We also sponsor a Kindergarten class for orphans and poor kids. We solicit scholarship funds for deserving students at our college. And when drought strikes (as it has for five of the last six years), we conduct relief trips into the hardest-hit counties. We distribute five to 10 tons of food, clothing, school supplies and baled hay, all bought at wholesale in the national capital, Ulaan Baatar (not "Ulan Bator," as on U.S. maps.)
I have been watching the Black days at the B-J as closely as Internet connections to Mongolia permit and I am most dismayed. I wonder, retrospectively, if the entire denouement did not start with Johnny Knight's murder in Philadelphia, the event that so dispirited JSK. It is possible to perceive that, after that, he noticeably conceded some measure of defeat and allowed events to take their course that eventuated in Phony Tony's lackadaisical custodianship.
Contact Geiger at
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