Here’s her reply to a blog inquiry:.
I am indeed a volunteer. I plan to stay through the 60-day period to help with the copy desk transition.
No job; I just felt God put it in my heart to give someone else a chance to continue a career at the Beacon. I'll have 28 years in on Sept. 5.
I will indeed help with my parents in Columbus as needed. My sister is there, but she has young sons and shouldn't be expected to take care of everything anyway. Our parents are only 73 years old, but not always in the best health. Other than that, for now I will continue to make and sell craft items and might even try writing a novel. Not to mention all those projects just waiting for me to have time for them.....
Bio: I was fresh out of Ohio State when I started on the copy desk at the Beacon Journal on Sept. 5, 1978. I was the first peon on a new three-person national desk and briefly wrote a column called Kids' View of the News. I was a reporter for a year after that, covering the All-American Soap Box Derby and the Y-bridge's first attempted jumper, getting thrown out of St. Thomas Hospital in the process. I moved to the features copy desk until a sort-of universal copy desk was created in the mid-'80s, and moved to the night shift in 1986 or so. I was made an assistant copy desk chief about 10 years later. In addition to copy desk duties, I wrote the Recipe Roundup column for three years, starting in October 2003. I learned a lot in those 28 years, thanks in part to mentors Joan Rice and Kathy Fraze.
After Oct. 21, I can be reached at debbylee@highstream.net .
What did God put in Mr. Black's heart I wonder?
I'm not surprised at Debby's action. She always was a class act. Quiet but classy. Bon voyage, Debby. All the best to you.
Debby will be missed - and not just because she's a fantastic baker.
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