Thursday, January 20, 2005

Icy BJ memories & earthquakes

I sent photos of Cuyahoga Falls covered with snow to former State Desk reporter Cathy Strong, who lives in New Zealand, and asked her, tongue in cheek, if she missed it. This is Cathy's reply:

Today I was out kayaking in the Tasman Sea and got horribly sunburned!!!!!

I remember my very first day working at the ABJ, trying to get there for an early shift. I was driving about 5 a.m. up the back road from Alliance to Greenville I hit some wicked ice and ended up spinning out and on my side down a ditch. I had to wait half an hour for the lights to come on in the nearby farmhouse to ring for help. It was a really messy way to start my new job, and coming from rainy Seattle I wasn't used to the icy conditions anyway.

I don't miss it one bit.

My daughter Amanda and I were literally jolted out of our beds this morning. A close-by earthquake hit Wellington and we are on the top of a high rise apartment block. This follows a week of a dozen smaller earthquakes. We thought the smaller ones would have released pressure from the fault line and we would escape anything bigger, but now everyone is making plans to leave town in case an even bigger one hits. If it isn't tsunamis, hurricanes, and cold snaps, then it is more earthquakes.

We are going into a three-day weekend and my little beach village neighbours are getting together on a workshop on First Fould Flush Diverters for our water tanks. We aren't on town water and provide our own water and septic, so anything to make us self-sufficient is big stuff for us.


Cathy Strong


Ott Gangl said...

Well John, I think Cathy isn't as aprehensive about snow and ice as you may think, here is an excerpt from an email from her to me:

>>>>Yes I'm snowboarding, but also ski too. But I got my instructors certificate in snowboarding just to "show them" I can. I've been instructing for 5 years and now think I'll go back to skiing for awhile, especially on the solid ice we get at Mt. Ruapehu<<<


Anonymous said...


That's much better than being in a car on its side off the road from Alliance, and waiting for a farmer to wake up so that she can use his phone to call for help to put her car back on its wheels and on the road.

You skiiers are a peculiar lot, anyway. If we get any more snow in Cuyahoga Falls you can just ski off my garage roof and into my back yard!

