Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Dawn Wilson writes about her Dad

You are very correct about the referencing. During my teen years, I began to realize that most of my friends didn't get to grow up in homes where everything was "dated and labeled." Vegetables on the right; fruits on the left. Akro-Mils cabinet drawers, each with its own label. When I finally got my own place, I thought it was fascinating to have a junk drawer, like other people. Dad, of course, had no such thing in his home.

I have learned so much from him. He is truly an inspiration to me and I’m appreciative to have such a great dad.

Here is a later picture of Dad (2001), pens and notes handy as always. Also, Dad was never the fashion plate but my stepmother, Elizabeth, became a good influence on him in this regard. Note that the 50’s glasses in your photo series finally changed to a 90’s model.

Thanks to you and all of Dad’s Beacon family. You meant a tremendous amount to him.

Dawn Wilson

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