Saturday, February 06, 2010

Sandy Bee Lynn: A nasty traffic accident

Former BJ staffer Sandy Bee Lynn suffered a horritic traffic accident in April. If you want to contact her, she has an email addresss
Here's the story from her email:

I retired from the Wadsworth Library in October of 2008 and life has been great - well, sort of.

Last April I was in a pretty nasty traffic accident - I was hit by a drunk driver at 9:15 in the a.m. He crossed the double yellow line and hit me head on. I had to be cut out of my car and then was in the hospital for 8 days (only). I had intestinal surgery, broke bones in my left hand (surgery on that hand also resulting in a plate with 6 screws), 5 broken bones in my spine and broken bones in my right foot....

The young man who hit me didn't have insurance or a driver's license and was driving a car that didn't belong to him and he didn't have permission to drive!!! Anyway, he was sentenced on Dec. 31st - 4 years in the Ohio Pen, one year in the Summit Co. jail and a fine... driver's license revoked for life as well.... Obviously he had a previous record and thank goodness for a judge who didn't just slap him on the hand.

I'm planning on trying to stay in touch with former BJ's via your blog - thanks for doing this for all of us.

Sandy Bee Lynn

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