Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Joan Morris, widow of Bud, dies in Alabama

Joan Morris, widow of Beacon Journal chief artist Clyde "Bud"  Morris,  died January 22 of cancer  in their Lillian, Alabama, home..The memorial service was January 30, the exact day 10 years ago of Bud's death to cancer.

Morris' daughter, Ann of Pittsburgh, and son, Gary of Texas, were with their mother, as was the hospice nurse, before and during Joan's death,

This information was provided by Nancy (Yockey) Bonar.  Checking for more information but could not locate an obituary.

Here is a hand drawn postcard greeting Bud sent to Fran Murphey in 1991.  The card was spotted on Ebay by Ken Krause and published in a previous blog article.

1 comment:

Ann Morris (Miner) said...

This is Joan and Bud's daughter, Ann.

Thanks for posting this about my mom. I am packing up their Alabama home now and finding many (many) other illustrated envelopes my dad made when he was in the service and living in Texas. Plus, of course, many Jest Sports originals, "biogs" and illustrations.

I've enjoyed reading through the BJ Alum blog and have seen many familiar names (mostly from Dad's Art Dept days, but I also worked at the BJ in the Classified department while in high school and college).

As all can imagine, this is a tough time for Gary and me. I can be reached at annminer@minermiracles.com.