Monday, March 21, 2011

Bill O'Connor's memories of Bandy

I joined the Beacon in the spring of '79. A day or so later, I was sent on a story about some complex union negotiations. I forget the details. We were a p.m. paper then, and the morning meeting dragged on. I had time only to call Don and give him a jumble of notes, in no order. Don had about 20 minutes to make something out of that messy pile. I went out on another story, and when I got back, the paper was up. I was astounded with how Don had made that story flow, with detail and narrative. I knew then that I had landed at a fine newspaper.

And the man himself! I, too, went to a few poker parties. I remember one where Jim Ricci had just given up smoking. I asked him how it was going. "You know," Ricci said, "since I gave up smoking, all the meaning has gone out of my life." Bandy gave that sly smile of his.

Cardinal Newman, I think it was, gave this definition of a gentleman. "A gentleman is one who never knowingly causes pain." I have never known anyone who fits that definition better than Don Bandy.

Rest in peace, Don.

Bill O'Connor

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