Beacon Journal staff writer Jim Carney tells how a half-dozen Cub Scouts said thank you this month to retired BJ engraver Watson Blanton, a decorated Navy veteran from World War II..
In a patriotic ceremony of kindness and respect, the Webelos den from Pack 3075 in Akron, in full uniforms, marched single file up the steep steps leading to Blanton's home on a snowy Saturday.
Inside the house, the 9- and 10-year-old boys stood at attention around the 87-year-old Navy veteran, who was wounded from shrapnel during World War II in the South Pacific. The

The ceremony was one requirement for a citizen activity badge for the Scouts.
Webelos are the oldest Cubs before becoming Boy Scouts.
Blanton, a Florida native, was a fire-control sailor in the Navy. His job was to aim guns at the enemy.
He served from 1942 to 1948 and was on the destroyer USS Tingey during the war.
The Scouts and their den leaders read copies of Blanton's six-page memoir, My Naval Career, and all had questions for the retired photo engraver, who worked at the Beacon Journal for 22 years.
''I give thanks and praise to Almighty God for hearing and answering the intercessory prayers on my behalf by my parents, family and friends while I was in harm's way,'' he wrote in his memoir. ''In spite of all the dangers and hardships that I encountered, I enjoyed my tour of duty with the U.S. Navy and am proud of my service to my country.''
Seeing a living member of the Greatest Generation and hearing his story impressed the boys.
'Den Leader Phil Schuchter, 48, of Akron, a FirstEnergy engineer, said it is important to let veterans like Blanton know that what they did during the war was important.
''We need stuff like this to honor our elders,'' he said.
Click on the headline to read Carney’s story published on the Community Sectioon front in the Wednesday (January 28) Beacon Journal
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