This is the reverse side of the Bicentennial poster:

Celebrating the U.S. A. Bicentennial 1776-1976
We know it won't be easy to match the success of Akron's Sesquicentennial Celebration. . . truth is: we are trying very hard to better it!
The Bicentennial Expo on Main Street in Akron will be just as colorful, just as full of people, and may prove more interesting than 1975's Sesqui Expo because of the diversity of the Exhibits.
The Parade on July 3rd will not have as many beautiful floral floats as the Sesqui . . . but there will be more marchers, more bands, more flags, more music. Center-stage for entertainment will be on the Plaza, with two more entertainment centers strategically placed on Main Street. And, the entertainment will be more varied. . . groups from all over Summit County will provide the best entertainment Downtown Akron ever saw!
And the Fireworks. . . oh, those Fireworks. . . everyone, young and old, sweet and sour, likes
Fireworks. The night of July 3rd, a Saturday Night, will provide the background for the greatest spectacular ever seen in Summit County skies. Yes, even more exciting than the night of July 4th, 1975.
So, please be an active, interested, part of our U.S.A. Bicentennial Celebration. . . as an Exhibitor or as a sponsor of a marching unit or band for the Parade (both, if you will). You will be glad you did.
July of 1976 should be very meaningful to all of us . . . for if there had not been a July of 1776, who knows? we may not be here at all, no Akron, no Stow, no Barberton, no Bath, no "your town".
July of 1776 set the stage for all of us, what we are, where we are, what we have. . . all made possible in that Great Year.
Let us Celebrate this 200th Birthday of The United States of America with all of the gusto, with all of the reverence, we know it deserves.
March 1, 1976
U.S.A. Bicentennial Committee for Akron and Summit County
John E. Kaiser Executive Di rector
Vincent H. Johnson Chairman
Fred I. Albrecht Vice Chairman
Gerald S. McFadden Vice ChairmanSummit County Coordinator
Charles E. Booth Treasurer Allan
B. Diefenbach Secretary
Wm. M. Threatt, Jr Expo Chairman 375-2196
Mrs. W. S. Zeigler Women's Organizations 666-4356
Mrs. Toni Cologie Entertainment Chairwoman 733-2157
C.. J. Madden Parade Chairman 375-2386
1 comment:
Can you give me information on the back side of your poster. Where did the original sign come from? The RWB Star-American Revolution sign. send comment to freddiehorne@hotmail.com thanks.
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