A package pf memorabilia arrived in the mail this week from Charles Buffum in New York City which should keep this blog supplied with memorabiia for a few weeks. Included was a mavelous book of 100 historic front pages from the Beacon Journal which was published in 1976 during the Bicentennial. Also included were a poster proclaiming Akron’s Bicentennital celebration, a poster of the famous Uncle Sam “I Want You for the U. S. Army" and another advertising an Elvis poster. You will be seeing much of it on the blog. For now, though, here is a photo and an update from Charlie on the celebrated Kathy Goforth / Charles Buffum duo who once wallked the hallowed Beacon Journal hallways and are still on the move in the Big Apple:
I don't remember how I came by the anniversary issue of stories, but it belongs in your archives. Kathy and I are moving to a smaller place nearby in a couple of mont

After a few years of renting when we sold the place we lived in for so many years, we figure it is time to start making sure we have a place we can afford to live in, and which at least has a chance of increasing in value - although that is a sucker's bet in these economic times.
Both Goforth and Buffum are still working, although we are lucky enough to do most of our writing from home. That's worth a lot in terms of not having to commute! I had lunch with Tim Smith in November; he was here for some kind of conference. I also keep in touch with Chuck Ayers, Russ Musarra, Bill Hershey, with a smattering of McBane and even a little Doug Oplinger at times. And of course, Wendy Sclight, who retired from the NY Times this past year after 38 years, is part of our extended NY family.
I may be an old fart but Kathy is as bright and wonderful as ever. It seems as though we have been together a couple of years, and stopped being bullied by you and Englehart and Maidenberg maybe five years ago. Then the holidays pop up and I have to confront the fact that my son Steve is six years older than I was when I left the Beacon for the Big A. Zounds!
Anyway, I know you are thrilled to have more memorabilia dumped on you, and you are free to leave it on somebody's car seat the way people do with zucchinis during Summer when the crop runs amok. Just don't think of trying to push it back off on me, or I'll never reveal my new address (two blocks from here) when we finally move.
Be well, Amigo,

1 comment:
great to hear for you folks buff. the picture is great and i think i detect an alcoholic beverage in the frame.
kathy looks good and your kindly old landlord looks kindly and old. bet he'll hate to see you spring chickens leaving his roost.
well you city kids take care. and hey, i just remembereed a photo char and i have of your going away party buff. we had a look alike contest and 2 yo jason won. he's almost 32 now and would still win if you know what i mean.
i'll scan it and send it in to the blog.
best to kathy and you. wish i'd have thought of it last year but char and i were in the city for a few days. would've loved to have seen you guys. we stayed right in manhattan center a few blocks from broadway.
anyway email me if you like
see ya
art and char (who is napping but sends her best)
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