Thursday, February 13, 2014

What does Comcast purchase mean

for Time Warner Cable customers?

What would Comcast's purchase of Time Warner Cable mean for TWC customers, including those in Northeast Ohio?

1. Comcast's wider menu of channels and services, such as 50,000 video on-demand choices on television, 300,000 plus streaming choices on, Xfinity TV mobile apps that offer 35 live streaming channels plus the ability to download to watch offline later, and X1 cloud DVR.

2. Hiccups in merging customer database -- double billing or accounts getting lost.

Comcast says that if the merger is approved by federal regulators, they would become one with Time Warner Cable by the end of this year. 

"An enlarged Comcast would be the bully in the schoolyard, able to dictate terms to content creators, Internet companies, other communications networks that must interconnect with it, and distributors who must access its content," said John Bergmayer,  senior staff attorney for online consumer activist group Public Knowledge.

In a survey: 25% called cable companies the worst for customer service; 15% named credit card companies, 14% listed insurance companies at 14% and 12% cited phone companies.

Comcast and Time Warner Cable are largely in different U.S. markets.

If you're dissatisfied with the Comcast takeover, there's always satellite dish companies and AT&T's U-verse.

To read the entire article, go to

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