Tuesday, February 04, 2014

Don Roese happy in

snowless Florida 

That's retired BJ photographer Don Roese painting the Hollywood, Florida home he co-owns with his brother and their spouses.

Don posts, "All is not fun and games in paradise," but methinks it's tongue-in-cheek. 
Don Roese busy in snowless Florida

Particularly after reading Don's next quip:

"The only ice I see is in my sweet, cold ice tea. Yum yum .... Ain't no slippin' and slidin' going on down here."

Just to twist the knife a little more, in typical Don Roese fun-loving humor:

"You will notice there is not so much as a single snowflake in this photo."

Don closes with:

"Be back in Ohio in a month." 

Sorry, Don, but March in Cuyahoga Falls probably won't be worth returning to, either.

Don and wife Mary Ann were in New Zealand last year, spending a week or so with former 1970s State Desk reporter Cathy Strong, today a big wheel in the Massey University Journalism School in Wellington, New Zealand.

When BJ newsroom retiree John Olesky, assistant State Desk editor during Cathy's time at the BJ, and 1970s State Desk reporter Paula Tucker flew into Auckland, New Zealand, Don was at the airport to greet them.

The Roeses handed off Cathy to John and Paula, who flew from Wellington to Auckland to meet them and take them on a tour of Auckland.

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