Thursday, May 12, 2011

Quartet at BJ Alums lunch

From left: Gene McClelland, Calvin DeShong, Al Hunsicker, Tom Moore

Newsroom retiree Tom Moore filed this report on the 1 p.m. second Wednesday of the month BJ Alums lunch at Papa Joe's:


Just four of us. Next month a phone booth?


Joining Tom were retired printers Gene McClellan, Calvin DeShong and Al Hunsicker.

Except for January 2011 when no one braved Northeast Ohio's winter to show up, the quartet was the lowest total since three made it to the December 2010 lunch.

I confess that I forgot about it, again. I didn't post it on my calendar, as I usually do, and I didn't have anything else going on of any consequence. I since have put the monthly dates for the rest of the year on my calendar.

Sorry, Tom.

There hasn't been a double-digit attendance since the dozen who made it to the March 2010 lunch. It's beginning to feel like The Last Man Club.

If you show up at 1 p.m. on the second Wednesday of the month at Papa Joe's, you would be welcomed with open arms. It's open to current and former BJ employees, and spouses of both categories. Heck, if you are a neighbor to either category, show up and swell the attendance total. We're a dying breed. Literally.

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