Sunday, July 26, 2009

Putting Dunphy comment up front

Former BJ staffer John Dunphy, now at the Orange County Register, added his comment to our post about the newspaper situation n Orange County, CA.

It is repeated here as a post by itself since some may have missed the comment.

Hi everyone: It's been interesting being here of late. I have so far survived three rounds of layoffs over the last 18 months. In the months ahead the corp that owns the register (freedom communications) will restructure it's debt and will essentially let bankers take control of the corp. how that will play out is unknown..but the bankers will form a new board of directors and new CEO. As for me..I'm a local news team leader...responsible for daily filings to the web first, newspaper second and I'm responsible for 4 weekly community papers that we publish on thursdays.

Go to earlier post

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