Saturday, July 04, 2009

BJ trio: Another photo from the past

Here's another photo from the past in the Beacon Journal newsroom. Seated with his back to camera is Abe Zaidan with Charles Buffum and Richard McBane. Guy standing with back to camera could be Albert Fitzpatrick. The photo by Paul Tople is dated September 18, 1973. Doing the math for you: The photio was taken 36 years ago. Tople is still shooting photos for the BJ. Zaidan is still in town, Buffum lives in New York City and McBane is retired in Georgia. The photo is among memorabilia supplied by Buffum

Click on the image for a better view.


Jim Kavanagh said...

To me, that looks like Chuck Montague in the background.

tom moore said...

I think Jim's right. that sure looks like Chuck.

Don Roese said...

I'm pretty sure that is Tom Marvin sitting back there.