Monday, March 20, 2006

Late for the funeral?

There were two items about the sale of Knight Ridder in Sunday’s Beacon Journal, both containing–in my opinion–little substance or logic.

Mayor Don Puluquellis in an article on the business front says he plans to make a plea to McClatchy to make a good choice in reselling the Beacon Journal. But the mayor then admits, “This is not like we’re doing God’s business of journalism. It is about a down and dirty, simple-greed business decision... to describe it differently is unfair.”

Public Editor Mike Needs in his regular column space on A2 seems to think some journalists “who have immersed themselves in self-pity” just don’t understand. “In what’s described as ‘the world’s longest funeral’ they mourn their plight, the passing of some imaginary heritage,” Needs wrote.

Unlike Mikey, we did not imagine John Knight’s heritage. We knew the man.

Both Needs and the mayor seem a little late in responding to it all. The sale was last Monday. They are kind of late for the funeral.

To read Plusquellic, click here
To read Needs, click here

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The next generation of "journalists" won't know any better. Those of us who had the priviledge of being part of Knight Newspapers, Inc. (pre-Ridder) are sickened and saddened because we know how much has been lost. It's like living in Heaven and then being cast into Hell. Sometimes change is NOT progress. And to think that the guy who forced this upon KR in an attempt to maximize his profits will be lucky to break even. If only the rest of us were that lucky.