Monday, June 01, 2009

Note from Sue Murphy on loss of health card

Note from Sue Murphy of Hilton Head, SC:

I've been
waiting for the other shoe to drop and it my letter from Andrea dated 5/26/09 stating the BJ will no longer subsidize my medical or prescription coverage. If I want to continue with Aetna Medicare Advantage, I will have to pay the premium myself beginning September 1, 2009. Since health care costs have been a topic of many discussions on your web site, I wondered it anyone else is in this boat. I've enjoyed reading your blog and hope to make a lunch next time we're up visiting children. By the way, I have a new email

1 comment:

Unknown said...


I got the same letter, matter of fact, there were two of them in the mail. One for me, the other to my wife, Lucy. I guess I really wasn't surprised, like you, I was waiting for the other shoe to drop.

bill hunter..