As one of our anonymous commenters noted recently, it ain’t necessary to have those high-paid, worn out union reporters when you can get good young reporters. Anybody can be a reporter.
Mark Ranalli, CEO of Helium , explains that in a Fox News (where else?) interview. The promo for the piece says that this guy actually may be able to help struggling newspapers to survive..
Helim is a self-proclaimed citizen journalism outlet offering a platform for writers to write articles on topics

Helium just signed a contract with Hearst, Ranali said. He explained that citizen journalsim can help cut costs.
“‘But it doesn’t really help them with advertising, does it?” the comely interviewer asked.
Ranali skirted that issue and said advertising eventually will be coming back
Click on the headline to see the video and then check out Helium if you are interested.
Here’s what the Helium website says;
Helium is also a knowledge co-operative where our writers are also our editors who read and rate every article on the site.
At Helium, we believe that everyone can contribute what they know to share with millions of readers around the globe.
At Helium, we believe readers want a choice of viewpoints – not just one opinion on any subject.
At Helium, we believe publishers need an easier, more efficient way to get the content they need.
At Helium, great writing rises to the top. And great writing reaps great rewards.
* Helium’s best writers earn cash through:
* Upfront Payments for contributed work
* Daily revenue share
* Writing contests
* Our best writers are recognized through:
* Citizen Journalism Awards
* Published articles through Marketplace
* Professional journalism organizations
What are you waiting for? JOIN HELIUM TODAY! Whether you’re a professional looking to stretch your talents, a journalist establishing a web presence, a freelancer getting your career off the ground or a reader researching information, there’s something for you at Helium.
Blog Addend: Thanks to Ken Krause for the great news tip: pointing us to the video.
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