Ann (Sheldon) Mezger got a really nice liftoff from her BJ friends yesterday, we hear.
Ann, a real Star Trek fan, has finally escaped the Battle Star Gallactica wars at the BJ. Someone photo-shopped a picture of the crew with Ann in the middle.
We tried to get a copy but -- alas -- a photo editor type was afraid of getting in trouble with copyright infringement and said you would have to go to the Christmas party to see it.
Star Wars, you know, stresses the self-destuctive nature of fear, anger, hate, selfishness, and lust for power,
Since 9/11 the Force has taken a buyout.
When I was involved with coordinating the computer age of the BJ with Composing and APS-4, newsroom folks would give me their password so I could plug them into the system. Both Ann and husband Roger Mezger asked for "Frodo." I thought you couldn't have the same password for two people (later, I relialized you could), I had one of them change from "Frodo."
Frodo Baggins is a character in J. R. R. Tolkien's legendarium. He is a principal protagonist of Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings. He was a hobbit of the Shire who inherited Sauron's Ring from Bilbo Baggins and undertook the quest to destroy it in Mount Doom.
A hobbit was Ann's passion before the Trekkers came into her life.
Ann, you were one of those largely unsung people who made the newspaper go. You made sure we writers didn't drown, self-centered as we often were. (I guess that last part is the editorial we.) We bobbed happily along because of good editors such as you, Ann, keeping the ship afloat.
Congratulations, Ann! Enjoy the good life.
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