Here’s the copy block for the ad promo for Bill O’Connor:

He states, "I approach the movie or play as the late James Cagney approached acting. Cagney said, "You look the other fellow in the eye and you tell the truth." "So, too, in a movie or play, we should be told the truth about the world portrayed, whether that truth be painful, funny, or insightful."
"It's when the truth is hedged or there is no truth, that the critic has to howl.”
Bill O'Connor did his undergraduate work at St. Francis College, and he took a Master's degree at Bowling Green University. He spent ten years as an instructor of English and drama with Montana University.
In addition, he has published two novels, Bums and Hershey Bars and The Legend of Horn Mountain and publication of a third, The Wicked Dwell Near Thee, is in negotiations.
Bill O'Connor knows his way around a stage and, so, when you're reading his reviews in the Beacon Journal that's one more way you know about movies and plays that try to tell the truth, those that fail, and those that succeed.
Akron BeaconJournal
the way you know
the way you know
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