Friday, February 23, 2007

They're retired from Circulation, still in circulation

Beacon Journal Circulation Department retiree Janet Hall reports “a good time was had by all” circulation retirees at a luncheon on January 15 at Dontino's on Cuyahoga Falls Avenue.

“It all got started when Wayne Poteete retired District Manager sent me an email and it mushroomed from there,” Janet reports. “We ended up with about 18 of us.”

Here’s more of her report:

Ned Barefoot, who is now 88, was driven up from Carrollton, OH, by his daughter and looked wonderful. Bill Aylward who is now 85, looks the same as when he worked at the BJ. Some came hobbling in, some had a cane, some lost their hair or it is thinming out a bit, but all in all everyone looked wonderful.

Marion Gid and I just got over cancer in our eyelids of all places. She looked wonderful as well as her husband Bob who was nice enough to bring her.

Bob Rosen, John Frient still hunt and fish. Al Keller still swings the golf club and came to the lunch even though he was suffering from a sinus cold. Wayne Poteete, Bill Lambert, Bill Thomas, Louis Moss and even Grover Gregory looked as young as they did when they worked at BJ.

Joe Patterson came bouncing into the room even though he had two new knees replaced. Says he works out in the gym most everyday with Don Clark.

Fred Welch could not make it as he had just had open heart surgery and came through like a champ. Rough going at first but from what I hear he is doing good.

Art Beck is 75 now and works a total from winter to summer four different part-time jobs. Right now he is working with a handicapped child in school and takes care of him in class. He also works in the summer at the ballfield in Akron and also the golf course on Route 91. I have got to say though it must work for him because he looks wonderful.

After the lunch we all agreed to try and do this every year and I have already marked next year's calendar to remind them.

[Thanks from the blog guy for a great report]

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