Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Walking Wi-Fi: a well-equipped cardiac kid

 In the crook of each elbow is a stuck-in, well-taped-down IV attachment. One is for your nitroglycerine drip.  The other is  for all manner of things going in and for blood going out.   I have improved, so I have been taken off the pulse-ox monitor taped to my left index fingertip and have moved up smartly from a stationary to a portable heart monitor in the breast pocket of my show-your-ass hospital gown. (Would the Foxists, Tea Partiers and extremists of all ilks be amenable to Obamacare if it solved the major national health issue of hospital gowns? Silly me.) The portable monitor is wired to leads on my partially shaved chest (not a pretty picture; aren't you thankful I spared you one? Trust me, you are.) I am talking ticker, if not Tribe, via Wi-Fi to who knows where, probably including my Facebook account, if I had one. On my left arm (photo taken in a mirror, so it is on the right) is my in-place blood pressure cuff, which I later didn't have to wear when I improved enough to no longer be telementary-necessary. You can barely see that I have on my wrist my purple ER ID band and my white CCU ID band.  Hot stuff. But the best thing is right outside my room. Hot coffee, 24-7. (It's part of Obamacare.)

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