Thursday, January 12, 2012

Aetna ideas for relieving stress

Aetna Medicare Insurance emailed these suggestions for relieving stress:

Exercise takes your mind off stress. Even 20 minutes a day of running, swimming or brisk walking can do wonders.

Consider exercising with a friend. You can vent some steam about what's stressing you (if that helps) or talk about only pleasant topics.

Talking about problems with someone you trust helps relieve tension. And you may gather ideas for solving problems.

Avoid "happy hour." A glass of wine with dinner may have health benefits, but too much alcohol can make stress worse. Instead, team with a friend or a group to de-stress in some active way.

Visualize. Imagine you are somewhere that makes you feel good, such as the beach, woods or mountains.

Breathe slowly and deeply. Focus on all 5 senses. Imagine what you see, feel, hear, taste and smell. Continue this for 5 to 10 minutes.

Gradually return to the real world,

And try not to think how close Aetna has you to the donut hole and extra prescription costs.

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