Tuesday, October 07, 2008

[Updated] Health care coverage ends for Guild

Updated with bracketed information to clarify the statement.

Guild chair Bob Demay left the following as a comment, but we thought it should be posted so as not to be overlooked:

Health care coverage ends at the end of the month for Guild members [who are taking the buyout]. There is a contractual provision for health care for Guild members who retire between the age of 62-65. All others are on their own. Visual and dental benefits end on your last day of work. Life insurance for Guild employees drops to $14,000 when you retire.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

As one of the guild's health-care trustees, I'm hearing concerns about this posting. To clarify, health coverage ends for guild members at the month FOR THOSE WHO ARE TAKING THE BUYOUT. Current guild members will NOT be losing coverage. You will continue to have the same SummaCare plan through Dec. 31. Information about next year's coverage will be available soon, during open enrollment.