Sunday, January 27, 2008

Here are Tower Topics issues on hand

There is enough copy to last forever and I am still trying to get organized so we don't get any repeats of pieces already used. . There are 25 issues of Tower Topics alone and many more of the successor Sidebar. Does anyone have an earlier Tower Topics issue or one not listed here? A list of Sidebar dates will be posted later.

Here's what we have:

Tower Topics

July 1969 Porter on Jamboree at Meyers Lake (duplicate copy) red headlines
Mar 1970 BJ is 15th in news in U.S. Sidewalk pipes renewed
May 1970 Rube Falloon bowling ball head
April/May 1971 (Photo of old news guys used) Horner Freedom award VonRhein used.
May/June 1971 Ed Lattimer retiring.
Dec 1972 Seasons Greetng.
Feb 1973 Kezziah photos used.
Nov/Dec 1974 City/State Desk merger, Coliseum photo used
Jan/Feb 1978 Murray Powers on Bill Murty; John Kidder tribute
Apr/May 1978 BJ wins typo title by Maxine Revay; zoned editions
Jan/Fe b 1977 Crazy photos used
Jan/Feb 1980 New employes: Dale Allen; Line boss Kathy Fraze; Jacksons feature, Earlicia Dickinson.
May/Jun 1980 Dave Pagnard, grads
Sep/Oct 1980 Transportation.
Mar/April 1981 Management Coffee Breaks.
Jul/Aiug 1981 Walt Neal hats (duplicate)
Sep/Oct 1981 Ken Nichols issue
Jan Feb 1982 Boerner, Grna, Walls, Pell (Haferd, Kirkesy, Capretta, Osmar
Mar/Apr 1982 New employees Jodon, Beeds, Marchione, Vantassel.
May/Jun 1982 BJ becomes historic site used. Murray Powers death noted.
Ju/Aug 1982 BJ intern on business side.
Christmas 1982 (undated)
May/Jun 1983 Pollu Paffilas JSK award (duplicate)
Undated 1983 probably.

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