Wednesday, June 20, 2007

I'm officially in the Aetna Rx donut hole

I’m officially in the Aetna Rx donut hole. Aetna and I have paid $2,401 for prescriptions so far. I have paid $556.23 of that amount as out-of-pocket expense. Once this total reches $3,850 my co-payments and co-insurance will be the greater of 5 percent or $2.15 for generic drugs and $5.35 for brand drugs. So, I still have to spend $3.293.77 before I qualify for catastrophic coverage. I understand that my co-pay for generic drugs will still be $5 while I am in the donut hole. But there are no generics for diabetic drugs and insulin so I pay full price. Lantus, an insulin prescription, cost $146,43 and that will not last a full month. Actos, a diabetic drug, cost me $192.47 for the month. And each time I get a refill, it seems the cost goes up $3 to $10.
~~Harry Liggett

A previous post on this, which was incorrect, has been deleted.

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