I already miss some of the features of the Beacon Journal from years past–Beacon magazine, News & Views, cartoons of Walt Neal and other artists and on and on. I will miss one-fourth of the staff at the BJ including some with years of experience. . Let me name just one staffer–artist Kathy Hagedorn–because we share the same birthdates a generation apart.
I really will

Kathy started 12 plus years ago as a part-time artist at the Beacon Journal in January, 1994. Her photo shown here is from the June/July, 1994 issue of Sidebar which announced her promotion to full-time. Kathy is looking for a graphic design job. She says she and her husband, Derek Kortvejesi who works at Century Cycles in Peninsula, will survive better than others who have children like Chiffon Staebler on the copy desk who has three chldren to support and whose husband died a few years ago. Staebler has been at the Beacon since 2000. There is still a possibility they will get their jobs back if others in their departments volunteer to leave.
One lucky metro editor will stay on the job because design editor Mike Needs volunteered to leave. Needs has no job lined up but says, “I’m good. I’m fine.” At age 55 after 25 years of service at the Beacon, he feels it’s time to move on to something different. “I volunteered to have my name on the list.” he said. “I said ‘Put me on the list.”
Needs, who was the public editor, was named design editor on June 26 which provided an inkling of things to come.
There are many other stories linked to the layoff. We would like to hear about them all. It would be nice if some blog readers could help with job possiiblities, but these are indeed tough and tearful times.
1 comment:
does anyone know who was laid off in sports? the newspaper played a big role in my own sportswriting career, as i grew up reading sheldon ocker's and larry pantages' (pre-pluto) Cavs coverage, and danny thom on bowling. truly a sad day.
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