Thursday, September 29, 2005

Sandy Bee Lynn joins the list

Sandy Bee Lynn is joining our BJ e-mail address list. Here’s a note from her:

I worked in the library (or Morgue as many still like to call it) from September 1983 until January of 2001. Unlike most of your contributors, I was not a "well-known" face, but nonetheless, I remember my years at the Beacon very fondly.

It's great to see what's going on with others.

After I left the Beacon, I worked at the Orrville Public Library for years as the Head of Circulation. I'm now at the Wadsworth Public Library, which is only 5 miles away from my home in Doylestown, and I'm the Manager of Circulation. I see many former, as well as current, BJ employees in the library because they live in Wadsworth.

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