Here’s the note from Geri:
Hi Harry,
Just got an email from Ken Krause and learned you're a blogger. It's great to hear you're keeping the Beacon Journal fires burning.
I'm still at USA TODAY, where I'm a deputy managing editor in the Money section. Mike has his own media consulting business, which he operates out of our home in Springfield, Va. We celebrate our 25th wedding anniversary in a week (Aug. 31) and just dropped off our one and only child, Christopher, to Marshall University in Huntington, WV, where he's beginning his freshman year.
We miss the old gang at the Beacon Journal and were especially saddened to hear about Roland Queen's death. From time to time we see Jewell Cardwell and Marily Milloy. Craig Wilson just wrote a long letter updating us on his daughters, his new wife, and his induction into the Mensa society. Carolyn White and Barb Lumpkins are members of our church and we're all still best buddies. Life is, relatively speaking, good.
Hope are you? Would love to catch up! Write soon.
Geri Coleman Tucker
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