No. 1 above is an historic prank by a BJ printer who actually was able to stick this slug in a story which was printed. Many BJ types for years have been trying to learn the date it ran and to see a copy. Well here it is.Just read line 11 highlighted in yellow in the enlarged section. The offending printer to my knowledge was never identified by the management. If you know, please e-mail: hliggett@ald.net
And watch for more of "Buffum’s Stash."
That ranks right up there with
"Good Lord willing"
as part of the weather forecast in the ear on Page A1.
They just don't have fun any more on newspapers. It's too easy now to track who did the dastardly deed.
The flavor is gone.
Those "bloopers" are a great addition to the blog. I remember the one about stick this slug, because it was the only time I got to stop the presses. I ran downstairs and cornered a press boss and pointed out the line. I said better stop the presses. he put his fingers to his mouth and gave a shrill whistle. those babies came to a halt immediately.
then the pressmen marred the line until next plates came down.
--tom moore
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