Monday, February 21, 2005

Memorable Stories: Abe's Visit in 1861

Today’s “Memorable Story” isn’t really that memorable and was not even written by a Beacon Journal type. But, hey, today is President’s Day and I thought you might want to see how Abraham Lincoln’s visit to Cadiz Junction in Harrison County, OH, on February 14, 1861 was covered.

Besides my late father was born in Cadiz Junction and was once a railroad telegraph operator. Cadiz Junction was the spot where a train from Cadiz, OH, met the main line of the Pennsylvania Railroad. Folks from Cadiz who wanted to see the President paid 25 cents for the round trip from Cadiz to Cadiz Junction.

As usual, just click on the headline to see first a brief announcement in the Cadiz Demorat Sentinel and then a longer story in the Cadiz Republican. Neither made Page 1. They put the news on page 3 back then. Oh, and do not be too critical of the writing.

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