Thursday, January 19, 2023


BJ building tour

 For a video tour of what's left of the Beacon Journal building and a fascination explanation by former managing editor Doug Oplinger, which starts at the 18-minute mark, click on the URL below.

Doug was a baby-faced student at Green High when Pat Englehart sucked him into the deNobil vortex and the State Desk. The late Harry Liggett and I were Pat's assistants who handled the day-to-day operations while Pat brought the BJ a Pulitzer for its coverage of the 1970 Kent State shootings by the Ohio National Guard that killed 4 and wounded 9. 

One of the students killed was walking from her class in one building to another building and died from bullets sprayed over the heads of those peacefully assembled below the hill where the Guard fired away.

I've talked to those who were there and they said it was a "party atmosphere," not a dangerous demonstration. That's allowed in the Constitution but Gov. Rhodes was running for a Senate seat and thought "getting tough" on teenagers to barely 20somethings would get him elected.

It didn't. Later the FBI labeled the firing squad to blame for the massacre.

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