Thursday, September 10, 2020

Charlene Nevada, Abe Zaidan health reports

Char & Abe health reports

Charlene Nevada had large polyp removed from her vocal chords “so I don’t sound like Donald Duck” and Abe Zaidan spent a week getting medical tests in a hospital.

Retired BJ reporter Charlene, married to retired BJ chief artist Art Krummel, posted:

Thanks everyone for the well wishes on my throat surgery this morning. The large polyp is gone from my vocal chords, so IF I could talk, I would not sound like Donald Duck (which has been the case for the last 7 weeks). However, my throat is still a bit chopped up from the procedure. Worse thing now is I can’t talk – well. not allowed -- for at least three days.”

Retired BJ political columnist Abe posted:

OK. I’m back after a week-long in-hospital series of medical tests that ended reasonably well if you overlook the food and sleep-shattering 3 a.m. needles.”

Charlene retired in 2005 after 35 years at Ol’ Blue Walls before working for Burton D. Morgan Foundation, a philanthrophy that provided grants to colleges. Char and Art bought a 2nd home in Garden City, South Carolina in 2010 which they later sold. That’s 13 miles from Pawleys Island, South Carolina, where the late BJ printer Dick Latshaw and wife Pat had a home, along with several other BJ retirees.

Abe has written at least five books, usually tied to politics, of course. He still does 2 political blog on the Internet, Grumpy Abe and Plunderbund.

University of Illinois graduate Abe lives in Fairlawn with wife Nancy.

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