Friday, April 27, 2012

A Primo reunion: BJ Features

It was the 1980s all over again when eight former BJ Features Department members reunited today at Primo's Deli on Vernon Odom Boulevard  in Akron.

Enjoying the conversations were current BJ columnists Bob Dyer and Jewell Cardwell, BJ exports at the Plain Dealer Mark Dawidziak and Donald Rosenberg and BJ newsroom retirees Russ Musarra, Jane Snow, Nancy Peacock, Tom Moore and John Olesky.

Jane discussed her trip to her husband's Japan. Nancy talked about her trip to France. John extolled the joys of Thailand, Cambodia and Laos.

Russ and John compared grandchildren and great-grandchildren (Russ has 9 grandchildren, John 7; they both have 2 great-grandchildren).

Mark teaches two classes in journalisnm at Kent State.

The "good ol' days" got their just due from the professional journalists.

This is kind of an annual event, but it's more like, "Hey, we haven't gotten together for a while; let's round up the gang" kind of thing.

Everyone agreed that we should make it happen more often

Click here  to see photos of the reunion.

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