Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Help find these BJ "Lost Lambs"

The following list is what I call “Lost Lambs.” That is probably not appropriate, but they are old timers I would like to contact. I have some ideas on how to find all of them, but thought this might be easier.–so

Can you put me in touch with Bob Batz, John Bird, Carol Camp, John DeGroot , Bob Feldkamp, Larry Fields, John Flynn, Judy Gilhousen, John Larrabee, Bruce McIntyre, Hank Rupple, Dale Smith, Tom Suchan and Bob vonSternberg?

Just leave a comment or drop me an e-mail at


Anonymous said...

Bob Batz left the BJ to become a columnist at the Dayton Daily News, a Cox newspaper. His early columns were almost identical to some of his BJ columns. Main & Market in the BJ columns got changed to Third & Main in the Dayton columns.

He's still at it, since there's a May 20 story with his byline. His email at the Dayton paper is

Interestingly, Bob Batz Jr. is a writer for the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. One article refers to Bob Jr. tagging along with dad Bob who was covering coal mining.

At the 2003 Neiman Conference on Narrative Journalism, the speakers included Bob Batz and Bob Giles, onetime BJ managing editor.

Anonymous said...

John DeGroot wrote for the Miami Herald and got attention for his "Papa," his play about Ernest Hemingway. It was performed in Key West in 1997, later in Los Angeles or Hollywood, with John described as a "Pulitzer Prize-winning author" (for the BJ's Kent State coverage). John also got screen credit for film writing. His most famous creativity in Akron was for his story about an angel who visited Akron, which excited those who thought it really happened.