Wednesday, February 29, 2012

John Dunphy laid off at Orange County Register

Veteran journalist John Dunphy has been laid off by the Orange County Register, he reports in a post today on Facebook:

“It's official...I got laid off today. I have had a fulltime daily newspaper job since I graduated in 1969 at some top big city metros in Kansas City, Akron, Detroit, Seattle and Orange County. It was a good run.”

John and wife Rebecca Allen live in Lakewood, California.  He has had a distinguished newspaper career including probably a decade of reporting on the May, 1970 shootings at Kent State for which the Beacon Journal won a Pulitzer prize.

His layoff was not unexpeced.  Reports on this blog since 2007 have reported on layoffs and bankruptcy at the newspaper.

John's email address is
· · · 2 hours ago near

1 comment:

Ripoata said...

Great fun, John. Which newspaper next? (Cathy Strong)