Saturday, August 07, 2010

Michelle nails Dr. Ink

Former BJ Features Editor Michelle LeComte, who died Tuesday in Maryland after a three-year battle with cancer, was a stickler for accuracy. In Googling for information about her, I came across this 2001 post on's Dr. Ink:

Hey, Doc: How about using the word "disinterested" properly? It does not mean you’re not interested. What are we teaching young wordsmiths about the language?

Signed a curmudgeon.
Michelle LeComte
The Gazette
Gaithersburg, Md.

Answer: Dr. Ink will hold his nose and gulp down the bitter medicine of correction offered.

Dis*in"ter*est*ed, a. [Cf. Disinteressed.] Not influenced by regard to personal interest or advantage; free from selfish motive; having no relation of interest or feeling; not biased or prejudiced; as, a disinterested decision or judge. The happiness of disinterested sacrifices. Channing. Syn.
-- Unbiased; impartial; uninterested; indifferent.

Un*in"ter*est*ed a. 1. Not interested; not having any interest or property in; having nothing at stake; as, to be uninterested in any business. 2. Not having the mind or the passions engaged; as, uninterested in a discourse or narration.

As it turned out, it was Dr. Ink's editor's goof, using the second definition of "indifferent" in a play on a word.

Nevertheless, nailed by Michelle.

Click on the headline to read the Gaithersburg, Maryland-based Journal's report of Michelle's death.

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