Remember Desiree Hicks' email saying that she didn't go from the BJ to the Plain Dealer, as so many have? She actually went from the PD to Gannett to the BJ.
Well, it seems I have another correction to make. Let Roger Mezger explain it via his email:
Thanks for thinking of me when you were correcting the error about Desiree Hicks' career, but I wasn't the person who supplied that information. I saw the post listing the people who had gone from the BJ to the PD, followed by a sentence that said, "And Desiree Hicks left the BJ Washington bureau for the PD's Washington Bureau. But Gloria Irwin isn't sure if she's still with the PD."
All I did was send an email saying that Desiree no longer worked at the PD, which is true. I assume from the wording of the original post that Gloria provided Harry with the incorrect information that she had gone from the BJ to the PD.
After all, the post also includes this sentence: "My thanks to Stuart, Gloria, Mark Dawidziak and Ken Krause for providing names for this list."
Would you please clear my name?
= = = = = = = = =
I apologize for putting the hat on the wrong person, Roger. Actually, no one provided Harry with the incorrect information. I was the only conduit for this BJ-to-PD report.
Click on the headline to read the original post. Anyone else see anything that needs correcting?
Yes, it was my fault entirely. - Gloria Irwin