Saturday, July 26, 2008

Ken Wrght undergoes surgery at Clinic

A message from Ken Wright intercepted:

Just thought I would update you on my condition. Had surgery Tuesday, July 15, at Cleveland Clinic. Was suppose to take 3 hours, took 6 1/2 hrs. Surgeon said because of previous radiation, some of the organs are sort of fused together and makes surgery difficult. They took out my kidney, uritor (tube that goes from kidney to bladder) and the bladder. Also took out the prostate while he was at it. The other thing they do is cut a 3 in. piece out of my small intestines, sew the back together, then use that piece to make a stoma (attach good kidney to the piece of intestine, stick it through your stomach, then sew it in place). Spent next six days in the hospital. I got home Monday afternoon. Getting along very well (everyone tells me), and I guess it's true. I have a very, very sore stomach and it hurts to get up or down, but once I'm up I can walk around pretty good. June is taking good care of me but it wears her out sometimes. I go back Tuesday 29th to see the doctor. Will get biopsy report and future treatment schedule. Won't be doing a lot for about 6 weeks.

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